personal sales coaching & TRAINING

Life is Sales provides personal sales coaching on a weekly basis to those wanting to refocus their energies on true priorities to grow the business. The individual coaching sessions include setting effective objectives, establishing priorities and building a business plan that will yield results. We focus on getting appointments to begin with and then cover the sales conversation cycle in detail to ensure participants notice those moments of opportunity in a sales dialogue and are well scripted to know what to put into those moments of opportunity.

Participants will learn:

  1. How to build better business plans

  2. How to ask better questions

  3. How to close more often

  4. How to deal with rejection

  5. How to ask for the business

  6. How to build stronger relationships to get more referrals

  7. Have a strong focus on success.

  8. Have a partner to bounce ideas and refine sales process.

These coaching sessions can be by phone or in person. Forty five minute sessions once per week will provide amazing results.